British Government - Constitutional Monarchy
US Goverment - Republic
Britain - an Island
USA - a large land mass
Britain - Free Schools, Free Medical Care,
USA - Pay for School, Pay For Health Insurance
Britain - At least 4 week payed holiday/vacation issued by the Goverment
USA - Employers decide holidays/vacations length,
Britain - Drink Alcohol when your 18 years old
USA - Drink Alcohol when your 21 years old
Britain; Hand Guns are banned
USA; Guns galore.
Britain; Play Soccer, Rugby (Upper-class play cricket, Tennis)
USA; Play American Football, Basketball, Baseball, Ice Hockey
Britain - high cost for petroleum
USA - low cost for petroleum
Britain - Celebrate Bonfire Night
USA - Celebrate Thanks Giving
Britain; Narrow, bendy roads,
USA; Wide, Straight roads,
Britain; Different spellings in English language (Defence, Realise, Theatre, Sulphur)
USA; Different spellings in English language (Defense, Realize, Theater, Sulfur)
Britain; Different words in English Language (Pavement, Mobile-phone, Toilet)
USA; Different words in English Language (Sidewalk, Cell-phone, Bathroom)
Britain; Food is expensive
USA; Food is cheap
Britain; Beer is strong
USA; Beer is weak,
Britain; have foxes
USA; have bears
May 29, 2009
What are the cultural differences between Britain and the USA?
The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Advertising
Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it. The main objectives of advertising are:
* Increasing the usage of a certain product
* Creating new customers and increasing brand recognition.
* To obtain feedback from customers regarding a certain product.
* To indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones.
Advertising has a number of uses. Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising can also be used to educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as AIDS, deforestation, family planning, etc. It is a powerful media which is capable of reaching to the far out masses. Now a days we find many ads on the internet also. These ads in most cases, have been successfully in connecting the user with the information he requires. To prevent complete commercialization of electronic media, some countries have made it mandatory for broadcasters to air some advertisements related to consumer interest. These public advertisements educate people of that country on a number of social and moral issues. However, some people are very keen on exposing the negative side of advertising. The impact that advertisements cause depends on the state of mind of an individual and his past experiences. For instances, young kids will be easily attracted by the false claims made in advertisements.
People are also arguing about the increase in consumption of substances like alcohol and cigarettes after viewing the ads. Excessive advertising has become a nuisance in most cities of the world. Manufacturers easily make false claims about any product and influence the minds of the people. To confront this problem, companies are being asked to withdraw any false and negative claims made in their ads and also being made to pay a fine for these false claims.
Good - Increases exposure for new or smaller companies, or for larger companies with new or unestablished product lines.
Good - It alerts consumers to products that may fill just the niche they need (which is why all good advertising is targeted to a specific audience).
Bad - Advertising is expensive and can therefore be a crapshoot if a company doesn't do its research beforehand.
Bad - It can be intrusive or invasive (think telemarketers and poll-takers) and its effectiveness can be diluted if the arena becomes saturated (think race cars; you see a lot of stickers, but how many do you really NOTICE).
Mongolian tourism

In Mongolia 217 tour operators provide safe and year round tourist service to foreigners. Winter tourist offers deer race, camel race, and morning sun rising.
Winter daily life of Mongolians and nature beauty attracts tourists.
But this year, snow fall is less than previous years and climate warming is negative impact on the tourism rush hour of winter tourism in Mongolia is from November to February.
Since Mongolia's transfer to the market economy in 1990, the tourism sector has evolved into a critical part of the country's development. It has been a major factor in Mongolia's union with the world trend of globalization. Around US$ 150 million are collected each year from travel and tourism, equal to 10% of the country's GDR the construction of more hotels, tourist camps, restaurants and reliable transportation networks which are up to international standards will draw more tourists to Mongolia and increase the profits of companies operating in the tourism sector. At the same time, Mongolia's transition to the market economy has resulted in the emergence of private sectors that have started to operate in the tourism industry
In accordance with the declaration of 2004 as the Discover Mongolia Year, the numbers of foreign tourists have been increasing. As of the first six months of 2004, a total of 107,977 tourists visited Mongolia. At the same time of last year, 74,365 tourists were welcomed to the country
Write a report for your local newspaper on how public transport facilities in your area could be improved
In a rapidly growing urban in developing countries good urban transport systems are one of the important decision in making any city more efficient. Problems today we have on the road is a lot, traffic congestion, deteriorated path, overrated cars and vehicles and besides mad and irritated drivers.
Any city feature shows what the country look like. In other words, when foreigners are visiting our city their first impression will depend on how the city attracts them. That is why improving our city transport is one of the way shows the how much we educated.
. To improve our public transport, there are many things to do. The works will include the installation of new traffic signals and improved pedestrian facilities. In order to carry out some of the planned works it will be necessary to expand the road to one lane in each direction. This will only occur from time to time.
. I'm confident these kind of works will help convince everyone to use public transport more and help us relieve city centre congestion."
May 22, 2009
Little survey
by the beginning of next academic year how many of us will have gone to study abroad?
lets guess, type your number
Cute And Funny Pets Blog
Daily Pets is a fun website showing blog-style contributor photos and comments of cute pets. The blog has a unique and professional design.
With a fun theme of brightly coloured happy cartoon pets in a landscape, appears fresh and distinctive with its design. While the design might appeal more to children, adults may get something from it too. The green cartoon design is consistent on all pages. The website has a two-column layout similar to a common blog with right navigation menu and is therefore appealing in its simplicity and looks easy to navigate. On the home page is photos of pets that readers have contributed and these are displayed in varying cuteness.
Tabs for navigation at the top of the main white box may need a little work though – the text is quite close to the border of the box (it is cut off in the “About DailyPets” tab) and the tabs have a black outline around them while the box does not. This detracts from the overall professional looking design. Also, the white box curved corners don’t help the design and a green edge can be seen on the top right corner. A square box in line with the tabs (and with the black outline) would help consistency with the professional design and would still suit it.
The logo calls the site “Daily Pets” while the links are labelled “DailyPets” so these might need to be made consistent to make the name more memorable.
Navigation & Coding
Navigation occurs in two menus – the top tabs (with “Home”, “About DailyPets” and “Submission Guidelines” and the right column navigational menu with an assortment of links and ads by Google. Navigation is simple and easy to follow ). The search engine is for people who want 2 find other people's pets by name (like banhar, muur.. etc). It also has different advertising from other sites.
Coding is blog-type coding (html, css stylesheets and javascript). Loading time is reasonably fast.
Interesting pages.
The Kittens page had particularly nice contributor photos and you could certainly tell that people cared enough about their pets and Daily Pets to send along their best. (I love cats and kittens, but my parents wouldn't let my sister and i have one :(( ) The Puppies page is also adorable and the comments are brief, interesting and easy to read.
Oh and the blog.
May 18, 2009
How much money do the graduating students spend?
Nowadays, the graduating students are spending too much money on their ‘Bell Day’ celebration. It’s very shocking to find out how much money these students are expected to spend on in Mongolia.
According to research of university’s students, the costs, for the less well-off students, run to about Tg300,000 (nearly US $300), which is close to three times the minimum wage and well over the average salary of a professional working person. As most students are still financially dependent on their parents, this is an enormous expenditure.
An expensive new deel (traditional garment), the new jewelry and party-clothes, the excursion by bus to famous sites around the city, giving gift to school or teacher and the three-day party in the countryside make up most of the costs.
Although some more sensible students find the expense unwarranted, they are under extreme pressure to participate in the long festivities, fearing exclusion from the class circle if they do not conform.
Time to celebrate with classmates at the end of one's university studies is certainly important; the three days of drinking and dancing at a camp in the countryside are not. The result is a hang-over and a large hole in the pocket of those for whom the tuition itself had been a major expense. Pressure on graduating students to spend a year's tuition on a 3-day bash is short-sighted. Perhaps the student committees at the universities could suggest more sensible and simplified festivities and thus reduce the costs. I am sure that many students would welcome a change.
google review
How do we find the information that we need? Finding books related or asking people who know. These methods are spending too much time and complicated. Finding the information by using website is making life easier. Most people like gather the information by using Google.
Google is one of the five most popular websites in the world. The biggest and most popular Google service is the web search. Google’s web search engine lets you find other sites on the web based on keyword searches. And it’s well known for providing relevant search results with a clean interface. Google also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogs, videos, news items and more.
Google provides Internet services that let you create blogs, send email and publish web pages. Also, Google has social networking tools, organization tools and chat tools, services for mobile devices and even Google branded merchandise. Moreover, Google expanded simply finding websites based on keywords. You can search within printed books with Google Book Search, search for news items with Google News, search for video files with Google Video, or search for products for purchase with Froogle.
Most services Google provide are free, meaning that the user does not have to pay money to use them. Although most of Google’s profit comes from Internet advertising revenue, the company also sells some subscription services, such as Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro, Google also sells enterprise searching tools, servers, and search technologies for corporation.
Google is one of the easiest websites to find the information and others.
donation letter
Dear Family and Friends,
As many of you may already know, I am involved in fundraising for Red-a-Book. This organization is for children who can’t afford 2 buy books. As you can see from the name of our organization, you can donate the books that you don’t need any more or the ones you have read. There are a lot of children, and even some adults from poor countries who likes reading, but don’t have any books.
This year we will have our special thank-you ceremony for all our donaters, where you can have all sorts of fun activities and see pictures of the children you helped, or maybe even get to meet them. I am contacting you on behalf of REB and the fund raising team to request your support in the form of books and other book-like objects.
For those of you who are not familiar with our organization, REB is a literacy and information support [among others] community. It also encourages young children on various subjects and topics, and helps them to see the world in different ways. I am asking you to help us out this year by giving a book-like or book donation to Red-a-Book.
We work very hard to provide hope, love and support to everyone each year and I hope we can count on you for a generous donation of books. However, please note that any donation amount is always thanked.
I thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to whatever support you can provide.If you require additional information about Red-a-Book, please contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Also you can visit our center and bring your books to donate, or you can send it. To get info and whereabouts about our center contact
Thank you for your consideration. REB couldn't do it without the generosity of donors like yourself.
phone; 99161234
Peace avenue,Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
tel; 956-11-342357
May 14, 2009
May 13, 2009
Mongolia’s main means of transportation are road, rail, and air transport. Mobility in urban areas relies only on road transport. As of 2002, the total road network of the country measured 49,250 kilometers (km), of which only 3.6% was paved (IRF 2004). The country has a single 1,815 km-long main-line railway and an additional 200 km of feeder lines and sidetracks. The railways are mainly used for freight transportation (UNEP 2002). There are more than 4,000 km of motor roads in Mongolia, of which 3,325 km are improved roads and 1,471 km are paved with hard cover. Most of the passenger trips in Mongolia are carried by on-road transportation. The vehicle fleet of the capital city has grown more than twice the total number (from 30,000 to 75,000) in the period 1995–2005. Sixty percent of the motor vehicle fleet in Mongolia is found in Ulaanbaatar. Most of these vehicles are second hand; about 80% of them do not meet fuel consumption or emission standards and about 54% of the vehicle fl eet is 11 years or older (Bat-Ochir 2006). Public transportation in Ulaanbaatar and other urban centers is mainly by bus, microbus, (van), trolleybus, and taxis. About 5.7 million t of coal and 160 million cubic meters of wood are used for energy generation, heating, and cooking in Mongolia annually. Th e three CHP in Ulaanbaatar, which consume about 5 million t of coal per year, and the 250 HOB, which burn an annual average of 400,000 t of coal, release emissions, including Sulfur dioxide (SO2), PM, and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the air (World Bank 2004). About half of Ul
May 12, 2009
Why do people smoke?
Some young people smoke because they believe that smoking is a symbol of adulthood. This is reinforced by advertisements from cigarette companies. The advertisers try to give the impression that maturity, social status, happiness and success are linked with smoking. However, surveys have shown that many young people smoke in order to cover up their weaknesses or shortcomings such as failing in their studies or sports or other activities.
There are young people who start smoking out of curiosity. They want to experience what smoking is all about. Unfortunately, cigarettes contain drugs that are addictive, and so smokers find it difficult to give up smoking.
Young people may like to imitate their parents who smoke. Many young people smoke because they want to be accepted as members of a group of friends who smoke. Their friends' persistent teasing and urging may make them feel that they are not "sporting" enough if they do not smoke. This is called "peer group" pressure.
The reasons given by people who continue to smoke are that smoking is stimulating and that it relieves tension, depression or even boredom. These are actually psychological effects, because smoking cannot provide stimulation and reduce tension at the same time. Fashion trends forn runways to your wardrobe. Chic sophistication and tons of style ideas.
Millionlooks is the right advisor in fashion trends and style. It helps to pick your clothes, accessories and swimsuits to reveal your beauty and become a fashion icon. Look like fashion models from fashion magazines, here are men's fashion and the latest of teen fashion. From this site you can see fashion pictures and videos and all about fashion design. By visiting this site you'll never get bored !
May 1, 2009
WebSite Review:
Twitter ( is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, "What are you doing?" by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to your friends, or "followers.
The short format of the tweet is a defining characteristic of the service, allowing quick information sharing that provides relief from rising email and IM fatigue. Twittering is also a less gated method of communication: you can share information with people that you wouldn't normally exchange email or IM messages with, opening up your circle of contacts to an ever-growing community of like-minded people. You can send your messages using the Twitter website directly, as a single SMS alert. You can receive tweets by visiting the Twitter website, IM, email.
Twitter has many uses for both personal and business use. It's a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you're up to. For business, Twitter can be used to broadcast your company's latest news and blog posts, interact with your customers, or to enable easy internal collaboration and group communication.
If you want to use twitter, visit the Twitter website and click "Join for free" to create your account. Consider using your real name as your user name to help your friends find you more easily.
Once your account is created, login and click "Settings." From here, you can setup your account details, manage your password, register your mobile phone and IM account, configure how you receive Notices, upload your photo and customize your account's design. Just try it! =)