November 11, 2008


Many people find it difficult to accept criticism.
When you have to criticize someone, follow the steps.

- Before you criticize say something positive. Give a compliment, show appreciation of work that has been done.
-Show that you understand the difficulties.
-Do not be personal-criticize the action, not the person.
- State the problem clearly.
-Offer a solution to further problems.
-Do not give treats of warnings.
-Ask what you can to do help.
-Let the person ask you questions.
-Give compliments when the fault is corrected.
When you have to accept criticism; try to do these things.
-Listen without interrupting.
-Do not be defensive.Accept it when you are wrong.
- Do not give excuses which are not relevant.
-Apologize and promise to correct the problem.
-Make sure you understand what is wrong. Ask people to repeat explanations if you do not understand.
-Do not be afraid to ask for help.


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