November 1, 2008

Should students need to wear uniforms at school?

People ought to decide whether students should wear the uniform or not; some people think that wearing uniform is a good idea while others oppose the idea. Several schools have introduced this rule into school policy, while several others are still discussing the subject. As far as I am concerned, to wear uniforms is a good idea. Wearing school uniforms can be helpful in many ways.
First, having matching outfits can make all students feel equal. Wearing uniforms can help some students to avoid uneasiness from the side of their classmates. For example, students who can allow themselves to wear expensive and fashion clothes can confuse those students that haven’t enough money to buy it, for example, students who can allow themselves to wear expensive and fashion clothes can confuse those students that haven’t enough money to buy it. Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they were not wearing name brand clothing like the richer kids. In addition, social status would be less of an issue because everyone would be wearing the same clothing. One of the biggest arguments against school uniforms is that students would lose their sense of individuality. I believe that uniforms will improve students’ individuality because they will have to express themselves through their personality and attitude, rather than through an expensive pair of shoes or a brand name pair of jeans. Uniforms will improve self-esteem in the students because they will not feel pressured to dress a certain way.
Secondly, uniforms will allow more time for studying. Students who have to wear a uniform will spend less time shopping and more time studying than those who do not have to wear uniforms. Also, students will be more focused on their schoolwork than worrying about what they will wear the next day. Students will arrive at school earlier because they will not be trying on several different outfits each morning. Having an outfit already chosen for students is one less thing for them to worry about in their already stressful lives.
Most importantly, school uniforms will save money. Parents will no longer have to spend a fortune on school clothes because they will only need to buy a few uniforms. Of course, parents will still have to buy their kids clothes for weekends, but the quantity of clothes that they buy will be lowered.
While most students will disagree, every school should introduce uniforms into its policy. Students should go to school to learn and not have to worry about being judged by the clothes they are wearing. Uniforms will not only improve the atmosphere of the school, but will also raise the self-esteem of most students and save money for most parents.


  1. [...funny and interesting picture...]i agree with you in this high school reqiured to wear uniforms made by too bad materials and it looks so ugly when you had worn one uniform for some time... at last, i think the most important thing is quality of uniforms...

  2. but what bout those who can't afford uniforms, some tend 2 be expensive, wouldn't the ones who r dressed differently from everyone else feel different,

  3. I think wearing uniforms would be good for unity of the school. The students would look good and the school would look good as a whole.


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